This is the tale of our humble beginnings...

In 2018, at the ages of 8 and 7, we discovered beautiful embroidered pieces made by our great-grandmother. Intrigued by their beauty, we sought guidance from our grandmother to learn the craft. This marked the beginning of our entrepreneurial journey. We started with embroidery on masks, receiving our first order from a relative who admired our work. Encouraged by this, we expanded our skills to include knitting and crocheting. Finally, after a few years of learning and creating, we decided to turn our passion into a formal business. Today, we are young entrepreneurs pursuing our dream.

The Development Of Our Website

As our business thrived, we recognized the need for an efficient platform to showcase and sell our products. So, we embarked on the journey of creating our own website. With Claire's coding expertise and Grace's creativity, we built a user-friendly site from scratch. Despite our initial limited knowledge, we embraced the challenge and dedicated ourselves to learning and improving. We spent countless hours enhancing the website's functionality and design, ensuring a seamless experience for our customers. Through valuable user feedback, we continuously updated and optimized our website. We embraced new technologies, explored innovative solutions, and integrated user-friendly interfaces to cater to evolving needs. Today, our website is a digital hub where customers can explore our offerings, place orders, and connect with us. We take pride in its evolution, as it supports our business and helps us reach a wider audience.

Our Mission

At Knitting Nest, our mission goes beyond a mere dedication to crafts. We are on a mission to breathe new life into the dwindling traditions of knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, embroidery, and more. Our vision is to revitalize these age-old art forms and ensure they thrive in the modern world. Through our carefully curated collection of products, we aim to showcase the beauty, versatility, and limitless possibilities of these art forms. From embroidered masks and intricate coasters to delicate accessories and personalized gifts, we celebrate the diversity and creativity that these crafts offer.

Contact Us

We, the founders of Knitting Nest, are excited to connect with our users and hear from you.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us via email at We value your input and strive to respond to all inquiries promptly. Thank you for visiting Knitting Nest and
being a part of our journey towards reviving the waning traditions of knitting, crochet, and embroidery.



Claire Fernandes


Our business journey has been incredibly fulfilling, allowing me to pursue my passions and develop valuable life skills along the way. In addition to my involvement in the business, I have a knack for solving puzzles and love exploring new endeavors. My musical journey began at a young age, with piano lessons starting when I was just 4 years old, and later expanding to include the violin at the age of 10. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share my skills and creations with you. I hope you find as much joy in our products as we do in making them.



Grace Fernandes


It brings me immense joy to be a part of this business, where I can share my skills with you and express my creativity through the art of yarn and needlework. In addition to my love for knitting and crochet. I've been perfecting my piano skills since I was four, adding an extra layer of inspiration and artistic expression to my life through music. Your satisfaction and enjoyment of our handcrafted products mean the world to me. Thank you for supporting our journey, and
I can't wait for you to experience the beauty and craftsmanship we pour into every creation.
